Square Dance Callers Association
of Northern California
This listing contains contact information for square dance callers and round dance cuers from around the San Francisco Bay Area and its surrounding regions. They are available either for square dance club events, or for private parties which do not necessarily include experienced square dancers or prior knowledge of square dancing. Both members of SDCANC and non-affiliated callers are listed.
If you are organizing a party, or are a club officer searching for a caller for your dance, please feel free to contact these callers and cuers directly, using the information provided. SDCANC does not function as an intermediary in this regard.
If you are a Bay Area caller/cuer and wish to be added to this list (or have your information updated), please email the SDCANC Web Committee, or use this handy form.

Name Like This indicates a member of SDCANC
Caller Name | Area | Phone Number | Web Site | |
Don Benson | caller4u@aol.com | Aromas | 831-726-7053 | |
Tork Clark | tork_clark@yahoo.com | Gilroy | 408-608-9240 | |
Tork Clark | tork_clark@yahoo.com | Gilroy | 408-847-3592 408-608-9240(cell) | dorysvineyard.com/TorksSquareDancePage.html |
Charles (Chuck) Clay | chuuckcly@aol.com | Alameda | 510-521-0580 | |
Joe Dehn | jwd3@dehnbase.org | Sunnyvale | 408-774-1570 | www.dehnbase.org/sd |
Bob Elling | Bob.Elling@gmail.com | San Leandro | 510-278-8621 510-695-0672(cell) | www.riverboat.com |
Keith Ferguson | caller@kferguson.org | Saratoga | 408-867-7715 | www.bowsandbeaus.org |
Tom Fraser | Livermore | 510-371-0732 | ||
Rob French | caller@rfrench.org | Sunnyvale | 408-802-2635 | rfrench.org/calling |
Diane Gaskill | dgcaller@earthlink.net | San Jose | 408-923-0475 408-313-0315(cell) | |
Mary Gingell | mtg@dehnbase.org | Sunnyvale | 408-774-1570 | |
Kurt Gollhardt | sdcaller@mailforce.net | Union City | 408-507-5855 | |
Joe Gonzalez | joecaller@prodigy.net | Clovis | 559-970-8814 559-940-8249(cell) | |
Rick Hampton | rickcaller@yahoo.com | California | 559-909-1232 | rickhampton.net |
Eric Henerlau | eric@erichenerlau.com | Corte Madera | 415-699-3239 | www.erichenerlau.com |
Nikki Hensley-Savio | gr8lvn12@gmail.com | Newark | 408-505-0625 | |
Diana Hilliard | hoedownnews@hotmail.com | San Jose | 408-453-9450 | |
Lawrence Johnstone | loj@pacific.net | Ukiah | 707-462-0239 | www.loj.name |
Harlan Kerr | harlankerr46@gmail.com | San Francisco | 415-612-0510 | |
Kevin Klein | kmklein3044@gmail.com | Woodland | 530-574-3044 | |
Bob Knowles | bobcalls4u@gmail.com | Georgetown | ;661-496-2857(cell) | |
Robert Konn | rbk976747@yahoo.com | Ceres | ;(cell) | |
Ed Kremers | ed@edkremers.com | Oakdale | 209-324-8797 | www.edkremers.com |
Ed Kuidis | SquareDCallerEd@gmail.com | Vacaville | 707-449-4355 | www.squaredcallered.com |
Michael Levy | Michael@MichaelLevy.net | San Francisco | 415-637-3593 | www.MichaelLevy.net |
Dan Lyke | danlyke@flutterby.com | Petaluma | 415-342-5180 | allemandeleft.com |
Tim Merino | tim@go-ab.com | Oroville | 530-321-0677 | timmerino.com |
Steve Minkin | minkin354@saber.net | Healdsburg | 707-433-8967 | www.steveminkin.com |
Jim Osborne | Learn2SqDance@3osb.com | San Mateo | 650-571-1970 | www.3osb.com |
Tim Pepper | peppertim71@gmail.com | Carson City | ;909-253-6590(cell) | |
Rich Reel | Hayward | 415-990-6751 | www.all8.com | |
Doug Saunders | dougds1940@yahoo.com | Santa Rosa | 707-292-2236 | www.dougsaunderscaller.com |
Doug Saunders | dougds1940@yahoo.com | Santa Rosa | 707-888-5941 | |
Edward Smith | EdddPammm@hotmail.com | Vacaville | 707-344-5012 | |
Bob Steele | bowler_power@yahoo.com lsteele59@yahoo.com | Sunnyvale | 408-823-1910 408-691-5721(cell) | |
Bill van Melle | vanmelle@sbcglobal.net | Los Altos | 650-948-4935 | |
Andy Wilson | Bay Area and beyond | 650-879-0864 | www.AndyWilsonDanceCaller.com | |
Mike Wright | mlouiswright@comcast.net | Concord | 925 383-6252 925-383-6252(cell) | |
Byron Yoshimura | byy@sbcglobal.net alannay@sbcglobal.net | Tracy | 209-836-4826 | |
David Zachry | dlzachry@gmail.com | Concord | 925-858-9587 |
Cuer Name | Area | Phone Number | Web Site | |
Erin & Scot Byars | cuer4dance@yahoo.com | Sacramento | 916-482-9503 | |
MaryAnn Callahan | tyme2dnc@yahoo.com | Modesto | 209-499-8118 | |
Dan & Allison Drumheller | dan.drum@sbcglobal.net | Fairfield | 707-439-9170 | |
Bud & Marlene Gooch | bud@pon.net | Santa Rosa | 707-568-0288 | |
Sue & Phil Harris | suzqs4u@gmail.com | Aromas | 831-726-7053 | |
Marie Hathaway & Gordon Sill | cmhathaway@prodigy.net | Sacramento | not listed | www.rounddancesacramento.com |
Kevin & Vicki Klein | kmklein3044@gmail.com | Woodland | 530-574-3044 | |
Sharon & Casey Parker | sharon@dyca.org | Manteca | 209-234-6844 | www.dyca.org |
There is also a Northern California / Nevada Round Dance Cuers List available on www.mixed-up.com.